Have a you ever felt so much heartbreak that you wanted to just die for a little. That grief that you had for weeks or even months after that person you loved most left it is like griefing towards someone just passed away. When she left, she took a whole sum of my heart. Leaving it with a huge gap in it. Leaving you with so many questions to ask on what did you do wrong that leads to this.

I remember the pain of the heartbreak you gave me after you left, the bitterness that settled over me; and the farther you ran, the farther I ran from the people who mattered the most in my life. Everything comes and goes, but I didn't think you would be one of those things.

For the past years you have been my rock. The person I looked forward to talking to every single day, the one I could trust with my life and the one I thought would never stop loving me. Although, I was wrong about the last one, I'll forever be grateful for you.

In the past years you have taught me so much more than I could imagine. You taught me to love unconditionally, and I can never thank you enough. I'll miss everything about you. I'll miss looking at you and hearing that laugh of yours. I'll miss your bright smile of yours, your touch, and your moodiness . I'll miss our adventures and all of the crazy times we had together. I guess all things really do come to an end.

I want to thank you for teaching me how to love. I learned a lot about myself in this enduring process. I learned that I am a loving person deep down, when originally I was a “no feelings” type of guy. I learned that I have the capability to love, and it takes a lot to bring it out. I learned I am a very caring person, probably too caring at times, but I care a lot about people who care about me.

You taught me how to argue and to watch what I say. Sometimes I wouldn’t have a filter, but I learned to be careful with my word choices because you shouldn’t hurt the ones you love.

I also learned that not everyone loves like I do. I can’t force anyone to love and care like I do. Everyone loves and cares differently, and I need to find the right person that I am compatible with.

So thank you for the learning experience. I learned not to hate you, or dislike you, but I learned to forgive.So again, thank you for this. “We lose ourselves in things we love. We find ourselves there, too.”

I invested my emotions, my thoughts, and my time in you. I only hope that that has brought you happiness. I hope that when you look back at us, that you smile and are grateful for the time spent. I hope that I made you as happy as you made me in the short time we were together. 

You broke my heart into a million pieces and I'm still wondering when the hurt will finally stop. But really, I don't think it ever does. And for that, I hate you. I hate you for taking my heart and ripping it into tiny little pieces as you walked away. As you continue to live and be happy every single day I will hate that for the rest of my life. But, I will never hate you.

There will never be a day that goes by that you won't run through my head. After you left, everything inside me broke. It's still hard to breathe. And it's all because of the person I loved. I'll always think you don't miss me. Even if you do.

I try to believe that maybe this is for the best, that you leaving would make you realize what you had. That maybe you needed to lose me to find me again. I know timing is important and you maybe weren't ready for me. Or maybe you were just a lesson, a lesson to never love someone so much because they can always leave.

Every day I think to myself, "Why did she leave?" But then I remember that if someone really wanted me they would tell me. And by now, if you have nothing to say, then I need to realize my value and move on. Maybe now I'll see my worth more than you ever showed me. I need to realize that you never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about. That no never open up to easily next time.

But then there's part of me that wants to fight. Because what a terrible way of life to take the easy way, to never know what it is to risk everything for what you love. But maybe I'm the only one that thinks that way.

Looking back, I am not mad or upset. I do not hate you or wish you the worst. I am very proud of you for realizing that you needed to do what was best for you and at that time in life that wasn't me. I am only sorry that I couldn't do more for you. But whatever you set out to do in this life, I wish you nothing but the best. I wish you years of happiness and laughter. And I wish that you accomplish all of the dreams you set for yourself. I hope you miss what we had just as much as I do; because for the first time in a very long time it was the only real thing I had to hold on to. You gave me more than you'll ever realize and for that I am forever grateful.

I can now only wish you the best of luck. It's so hard when you miss someone, but I know if I miss you now, then I was lucky. I was lucky to have someone worth missing. And I believe you were lucky too. You were lucky to have someone that loved you with everything in them, and you're giving that away. Youre now happy loving someone else while i sit here fighting with my darkest nights. Maybe we weren't meant to be together. Maybe one day our paths will cross again. Maybe it wont. But I would still wish you the very best for what happened between us both. Thank you.
