
Showing posts from January, 2019


Have a you ever felt so much heartbreak that you wanted to just die for a little. That grief that you had for weeks or even months after that person you loved most left it is like griefing towards someone just passed away. When she left, she took a whole sum of my heart. Leaving it with a huge gap in it. Leaving you with so many questions to ask on what did you do wrong that leads to this. I remember the pain of the heartbreak you gave me after you left, the bitterness that settled over me; and the farther you ran, the farther I ran from the people who mattered the most in my life. Everything comes and goes, but I didn't think you would be one of those things. For the past years you have been my rock. The person I looked forward to talking to every single day, the one I could trust with my life and the one I thought would never stop loving me. Although, I was wrong about the last one, I'll forever be grateful for you. In the past years you have taught me so much more than